Sunday, September 28, 2008

What's ahead for you!

This is a letter written to my past self. It's taken me about an hour to upload because unfortunately I am experiencing that inexplicable haze brought on by drinking far too much cane last night, our as us South Africans call it, "Spook and Diesel"! - Captain Morgan

Hello my dear self,

We have certainly come a long way these past few years. Do you remember sitting on that termite mound in the middle of the African bush with the sun setting in all its splendour and beauty asking, “Why the hell am I giving this up for lectures and books?”
Truth be told, it was the best decision we have ever made. We both know life has not been easy, we have truly experienced the darker side of life. From violence to prison cells, madness to loss, hatred to greed. Yet let me explain to you what is awaiting. Let me be a voice of hope for you.
University has awakened a new spirit that we never thought could be possible. Friendship and love has become the light that pierces through the darkness. Before this great adventure of ours, the only reality we knew was one of sorrow and grief. However, now each day that passes by is a day filled with hope, knowledge and truth.
Albert Camus said, “But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?”. Life is good, we have made wonderful friends, we have found our place in the world and no longer need to live that lonely existence somewhere in between this world and the next.
Now, my dear self, we can truly say we have transcended the things that held us back. We have fought the ultimate battle between good and evil within ourselves and triumphed. Yet the best is still to come, no more of those terrible foreign beers, we can drink Black Label again. Coming to live in the real world again sure does have its perks, doesn’t it?

Yours in spirit, forever


1 comment:

Mr H said...

An enjoyable read, insight into your personal life experiences is truly a brave move. Glad to hear you are meeting new friends and enjoying good old black label again. I agree meeting friends is a bonus. So many letters I have read share negative experiences, yours has the opposite effect. The bush experience is definitely a huge forfeit but the knowledge gained in its place is priceless. I really miss the beach and blowing bubbles at the bottom of the ocean. I am sure the sacrifice will pay off at the end of the day. Cane, a potent but effective spirit, Captain Morgan maintains his image. See you in class mate, Mr H.